OK, I am decided to end with a doubt I have since I started 2 months ago with this domain business:
Is there
a real difference between
.com and
.info domains if they have the same exact words? I have not found a satisfactory explanation about
why people are willing to pay 10 or more times for a .com name. So I designed this test:
I have 2 attractive exact keyword .com domain names. They are
ForexHistorical.com and
Both have been parked at godaddy for a while and they were the best performers of my stock.
I recently bought the same keyword
.info names, and to make it complete I registered
.com.ar names also!
I've set Adsense for the 6 domains, with identical landing pages, and I will keep them parked until I get 100$ profit from the best performer. I will draw my conclusions at that point.
How long will it take? I don't know. According to godaddys performance it may take 6 months, but I expect many curious visitors to my ebay auctions to visit this parked pages and to eventually click on ads to watch how the 6 different channels evolve (I promise to publish my results daily). At least in the end I will have an extra 100$ in my pocket :-)
It will be like a horse race! Will you place your bets?
Here are the links:
- techniquegolf.com
- techniquegolf.info
- techniquegolf.com.ar
- forexhistorical.com
- forexhistorical.info
- forexhistorical.com.ar
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Total page impressions: 1
Total earnings: 0$
Watch the different ads presented for .com, .info and .com.ar!